To edit voicemail settings click the pencil edit icon on the right of the extension number.
Here you can edit voicemail settings.
- Play Tutorial- Play the voicemail tutorial after the next voicemail login
- Greeting- When you dial *97, record a greeting and set a number you can choose which greeting to use
- Alternate Greet ID- An alternative greet id used in the default greeting
- Options- Define caller options for the voicemail greeting
- Mail to- have voicemails emailed to this address
- Voicemail File- Select a listening option to be included in the email notification
- Keep Local- Choose whether to keep the voicemail in the system after sending the email notification
- Forward Destinations- Forward voicemail messages to additional destinations
- Enabled- Enable or disable the voicemail box
You can gain remote access to voicemail by interrupting the greeting message by pressing “*” and entering the password is disabled by default.
Voicemail Options
To access an extensions voicemail away from the extension.
- Dial the extension and interrupt the greeting with the *star key.
*97 | To access that extensions voicemail from the extension or the voicemail button | ||
*98 | To access any extensions voicemail | ||
*99[ext] | To access a specific extension voicemail |
Main Menu | |
press 5 | For advanced options |
Advanced Options | |
press 1 | Record a greeting |
press 2 | Choose a greeting |
press 3 | Record name |
press 6 | Change password |
press 0 | For the main menu |