Music on Hold
Music on hold can be in WAV or MP3 format. To play an MP3 file you must have mod_shout enabled on the ‘Modules’ tab. You can adjust the volume of the MP3 audio from the ‘Settings’ tab. For best performance upload 16 bit, 8/16/32/48 kHz mono WAV files.
- Click the edit pencil on the right to customize music on hold options. This can be done on each kHz group.
- Name: Choose a name. (default is needed for the defauly Music on Hold.)
- Path: Path to where the music is.
- Shuffle: True or False (If true and multiple music files will shuffle the play order.)
- Sampling: The rate the music is encoded in.
- Channels: Mono or Stereo.
- Interval: Silence between files playing in milliseconds.
- Timer Name: Best to keep as soft.
- Chime File: The file you want to “chime in” while Music on Hold is playing.
- Chime Frequency: Seconds between each “chime in”.
- Chime Maximum: Max number attempts to “chime in”.
- Domain: Select Global for all domains or the specific domain for only that domain.